6 tips for staying grounded while planning a wedding during covid-19

Vibrant wedding centerpiece with pinks, corals, blues, purples  on a dusty blue table runner with blue candles, crystal stemware, white plates, white napkins and gold flatware.  Photo by Abigail Jean Photography

Planning your wedding should be one of the most magical times of your life. It should be filled with dreaming big, giggling with joy, and obviously, dreaming about the future with your favorite human. Sadly, many couples have been faced with uncertainty while attempting to plan their big day amidst a continuing global pandemic.

For those couples that have postponed their weddings, or are currently weighing their options, just know that I see you. And remember that while tying the knot may not be what you’d originally imagined—or when you’d imagined—it’s still possible for the outcome to be even better than you’d imagined.  

Here are some tips to keep you grounded (and sane!) while planning (or re-planning) your wedding during COVID-19.

1.be present

Focus on being present and taking things one day at a time. Remember that no one has ever gone through what we are currently going through before. That means everyone is simply doing their best to adapt to the new “normal,” whatever that may be. 

Instead of honing in on the fear or the what-ifs, try to find magic in the new way of doing things. Now is the time to strengthen relationships with your family and friends (thank you, Zoom & FaceTime), learn a new recipe (or if you’re like me, learn a recipe), read a book that will help you grow as a person, develop a new hobby (I am attempting a 1400+ piece puzzle), attack your list of outstanding projects, find fun and unique ways to date your future spouse, try a new virtual work out, or discover some new music. Or, you know, just rest. That’s OK, too.

2.do things that bring you JOY

Practice gratitude on a daily basis for all that you DO have and try to engage in activities that bring you joy. Avoiding negativity that can so easily creep in from social media (or certain news sources—you know the ones) will not only help you be the best version of yourself, but can really help you foster healthier relationships and nurture your mental health in the long run. 

Depending on your interests, taking up a new self-care hobby can do wonders for your psyche and keep you in the present moment. This could be something like journaling, meditation, or even taking a few minutes to color in an adult coloring book. These activities allow you to spend time with yourself while having a calming effect on your mood. Apps like Calm or Insight Timer can be great for meditation, while plenty of blogs dive deeper into the different kinds of journaling (like the Bullet Journal) that exist for your unique needs. 

If journaling and meditation aren’t your thing, that’s perfect - joy can be found in the simple things too, like taking a walk with your significant other, listening to a new podcast, reading a really trashy novel (beach reads aren’t always for the beach) or simply drinking a cup of peppermint tea.

3.keep dating your fiancé

It’s important to remember that during your engagement, your relationship should always remain a priority. So, as you the stress of planning a COVID wedding creeps in, keep “dating” and remember why you fell in love in the first place. Schedule time to play, laugh, and stay connected.

4.stay informed

I know we said to stay mindful of how much news you’re consuming, but at the same time, if and when you are watching the news, make sure you’re absorbing the most timely and trustworthy information possible. Staying informed is a great way to keep anxiety at bay, but obviously, only if you believe the sources you’re listening to. I love the World Health Organization (WHO) and Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as well as local government websites and social media accounts of accredited reporters and world leaders I trust.

5.communicate, communicate, communicate!

Communicating proactively and honestly with your significant other, family, guests, and vendors is absolutely paramount during this uncertain time. Despite what you may think (or wish), no one can read your mind. So, don’t let assumptions and lack of communication create unnecessary stress and confusion for everyone involved.

Significant Other: This is your single most important relationship. The good, the bad and the ugly—no matter what’s going through your mind, it’s imperative you keep an open line of communication here. Remember, you’re marrying this person for a reason, so be supportive of each other and above all, try to keep things in perspective. Your wedding day is one day, but your marriage will last a lifetime. Treat your relationship with the tenderness and grace it deserves.  

Family & Guests: Your friends and family love you, and they genuinely want to be present on your big day. That said, constantly updating 150 people with every little detail can be exhausting. Instead of constantly texting and emailing, consider being diligent about updating your wedding website on a regular basis, and simply direct everyone to check there. If you don’t yet have a website, you can create one for free on a site like Zola or The Knot.

Vendors: You chose this team to be part of the most important day of your life and—trust me—they want to celebrate with you, too. Be proactive about keeping lines of communication open with your vendors and be sure you understand your contract so you don’t run into any issues (related to rescheduling, etc.) down the road. Remember that your vendors are people too—actual human beings doing their best to react to this every-changing situation—so treat them with respect and compassion, and you will get it in return.

6.seek professional help

If you’ve had it up to HERE with the re-planning and rescheduling, hiring a professional wedding planner may be the best option for you. Imagine feeling less stressed about the “what’s next” and focusing on your relationships, job, and simply enjoying being engaged for a little while longer. 

Well, we can help! LeslieJames Events is offering FREE 30-minute consultations to discuss options and next steps. We are also offering postponement packages to couples who have already planned their weddings and are now faced with changing the date (again).

At LeslieJames Events, one of our core values is that we believe magic comes from the imperfect—and we are certainly living in imperfect times right now. ⁠We will get through this. Love is NOT cancelled, and I am here for anyone that wants to connect and chat about their imperfectly perfect lives. ⁠

⁠xoxo LJE